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Display in the VAT declaration conducted by a chamber/documentary verification of which a tax notification-decision in the form “B4” was taken

The main administration of the DPS in Kyiv draws the attention of taxpayers that in accordance with clause 200.1 of Art. 200 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, the amount of tax to be paid (transferred) to the State Budget of Ukraine or budget compensation is defined as the difference between the amount of tax liability for the reporting (tax) period and the amount of tax credit for such reporting (tax) period. Taking into account paragraphs “”in”” item 200.4 of Art. 200 of the Code, in case of a negative value of the difference between the amount of the tax liability of the reporting (tax) period and the amount of the tax credit of such reporting (tax) period, the VAT payer has the right to credit such amount to the tax credit of the next reporting (tax) period period

According to paragraphs 5 paragraph 5 ch. V Procedure for filling out and submitting value added tax returns, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated January 28, 2016 No. 21 “”On approval of forms and Procedure for filling out and submitting value added tax returns””, which was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 29. 2016 under No. 159/28289, the amount of the negative value, which is included in the tax credit of the next reporting (tax) period (line 19.1 + line 20.3), is displayed in line 21 and transferred to line 16.1 of the next reporting (tax) period.

Line 16.3 indicates the amount of the increase/decrease of the negative value, agreed upon according to the results of the control body’s inspection, in the reporting (tax) period, which falls on the date of approval of the tax notice-decision, taking into account administrative appeal procedures in accordance with Art. Chapter 56 II of the Code.

In addition, Order No. 21 stipulates that if line 16.3 is filled in, it is mandatory to fill in the table “”Increased/decreased balance of the negative value based on the results of the control body’s inspection on the basis of the tax notification-decision and/or clarifying calculation.””



VAT news
VAT news
