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This Month in Indirect Tax: VAT Rulings on NewsCorp and OnlyFans

  • NewsCorp loses its VAT appeal at the UK Supreme Court, while the CJEU rules against Fenix International in a dispute over VAT on OnlyFans transactions.
  • OnlyFans company liable for VAT on Italian content, rules CJEU
  • UK-EU agree Windsor Framework to amend Northern Ireland Protocol
  • Malaysian government rejects calls to bring back GST
  • Italy investigates Meta for VAT on Facebook user data
  • Turkey joins QR code compliance trend


See also ECJ C-695/20 (Fenix International) – Judgment – Art. 9a of the Implementing Regulation is valid

  • Join the Linkedin Group on ECJ VAT Cases, click HERE
  • For an overview of ECJ cases per article of the EU VAT Directive, click HERE


VAT news
VAT news


  • vatcomsult