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MyAADE new functionality: Immediate display and payment of VAT and withholding taxes

Another digital service that reduces administrative costs for freelancers and businesses is now offered by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.Through the digital portal myAADE, individuals and businesses now have the ability, regarding VAT and withheld taxes:- To immediately view the confirmed tax amount after submitting the initial declaration, in the “My Account” section,- To settle their debt through credit card or IRIS, with an immediate payment credit, or- To arrange their debt,- To submit an amended declaration without waiting for delays.

Additionally, when the declaration is submitted by the obligated party (using their personal codes and not by an authorized accountant or representative), a link is activated after the completion of the submission of the debit declaration, under the option “Automatic payment by card / IRIS.” This directs the taxpayer to the path: myAADE / My Account / Outstanding debts and payments, in order to immediately settle their debt or part of it, by selecting the payment method (via card or IRIS) and the desired payment amount.

With this upgrade, obligated parties can immediately see the amount they owe and pay it at the same moment if they wish. With the immediate crediting of the tax through a credit card or IRIS, they can receive tax information immediately without waiting for the transfer of the payment from their bank to AADE through the Payment Identification.

A similar possibility has been provided for the submission of tax declarations for Legal Entities – Entities.



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