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IRAS Guide on GST treatment for Gift vs Sample vs Warranty

Provide the summary table for quick reference for GST treatment for Gift vs Sample vs Warranty under Singapore GST regulation. Readers are requested to read the guide (Link provided below) for detailed understanding and application. As the GST treatment differs on a case to case basis.
Type Gift Sample Warranty period Not under Warranty period
While Purchasing from Domestic or import Input is allowed Input is allowed Input is allowed Input is allowed
While Selling to Customer/staff Gift more than >$200 (Excluded GST) for each party, deemed output tax

Less than <200, then no output tax

GST is not charged if condition are met:

1. Actual or Potential customer
2. Product marked with words “Not for Sales” or “Sample only”

If condition are not meet – Account and pay for GST

No Output tax on sale of goods/services  under warranty period GST needs to be paid on final output
Valuation for output tax Open Market Value Open Market Value Not applicable Actual price collected from customer for goods/services


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