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ECJ (NOT VAT) C-156/21 & C-157/21 (Hungary & Poland vs Parliament & Council) – Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties

On Feb 16, 2021, the ECJ issued its decision in the joint cases C-156/12 & C-157/21 (Humgary & Poland vs Parliament & Council) relating to the Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties.

Conclusion: the European Court of Justice confirms the validity of the general conditionality Regulation.

The European Court of Justice rejects Poland and Hungary’s request for annulment of EU legislation imposing financial sanctions on countries that violate the rule of law and democracy.

According to the European judges, who gathered in full chambers for this judgment, linking financial support from the EU budget to respect for the rule of law is in line with European competences and the principle of legal certainty. The regulation does not confer any additional powers on the European Union.

The rule of law and solidarity are fundamental to the European legal order, the judges argue. The European Union must be able to defend those values. The budget of the European Union is one of the most important instruments for giving shape to that solidarity.

Poland and Hungary have been unsuccessful in this judgment . The two countries, against which several European proceedings are pending for disrespect for the rule of law and democracy, went to the EU Court of Justice last spring. They questioned the regulation adopted at the end of 2020 that allows financial sanctions against countries that do not respect fundamental values. Ten member states, including the Benelux, Germany and France and the three EU institutions, the Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament defended this conditionality mechanism.

The EU judges point out that the principles of the rule of law have been elaborated very thoroughly in the EU treaties and European case law: ‘The withholding of EU money under the Regulation only happens if there is a real link between a violation of the principle of the rule of law and an impairment or serious threat to the Union’s financial interests and management.’ Sanctions must also be ‘strictly proportionate to the consequences of the breach of the Union budget’.



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