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MyDATA – Changes with Law 5073/2023 (Revenue Recognition, Expense Deduction, Fines)

  • The article 4 of Law 5073/2023 introduces the implementation of electronic books (myDATA) to prevent tax evasion.
  • Entities are required to electronically transmit data of issued accounting files, regardless of the method of issuance, to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE).
  • The value of taxable transactions and revenues considered by the Tax Administration for determining VAT and income tax cannot be lower than those resulting from electronically transmitted documents to AADE.
  • Discounts and expenses cannot be considered if the supporting documents have not been electronically transmitted to AADE.
  • The Minister of Economy and Finance, upon recommendation of the Governor, will determine the transmission time, scope, specific obligations, and exceptions for entities without the necessary electronic infrastructure.
  • Sanctions and fines are imposed for violations of the obligation to electronically transmit data to AADE, as specified in article 8 of the law.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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