- Two people arrested in Greece and Germany in an EPPO investigation into €30.7 million VAT fraud
- Suspected cross border organized crime group involved in the fraud
- Suspects purchased electronic devices and sold them to Greek companies without paying VAT
- Goods initially invoiced to shell companies to evade VAT payment
- 42 searches carried out in Greece and Germany
- Seized twelve cars, luxury SUVs and sports cars, goods worth over €100,000, smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, and over €250,000 in cash
- Greek authorities executed two European Arrest Warrants
- Action demonstrates close cooperation between European Delegated Prosecutors, tax crime investigation services, and police forces in Germany and Greece
- EPPO is responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes against the financial interests of the EU.
Source: eppo.europa.eu
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.