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EESPA AGM: VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) iniatitive presented by the European Commission

🔺EU Digital Reporting Requirements will be introduced for intra-EU (B2B) transactions, with no thresholds or exemptions. This will be done on the basis of (near) real-time reporting of a subset of the e-invoicing data, by both the supplier and customer, towards a Central Database. Such reporting will be facilitated through electronic invoicing.
🔺The reporting requirement will replace the current intra-community listings.
🔺Member States will have the option to implement a digital reporting requirement also for domestic transactions – with a possibility that such reporting will also be mandated on EU level in the future.
🔺Existing Digital Reporting Requirements on Member State level will need to ensure interoperability with the new EU system in the short term, with an intention to converge in the medium term to the EU model.
🔺The EU Standard for Electronic Invoicing (EN16931) will be used for digital reporting and potentially further adapted.
🔺The definition of an electronic invoice will be aligned with the definition used in public procurement (i.e. structured invoice file) in the EU VAT Directive, and the requirement for customer acceptance to introduce electronic invoicing will be removed.
🔺Member States will going forward no longer need to apply for a derogation in order to introduce mandatory B2B e-invoicing.
🔺The above requirements may be subject to change as these are still subject to “political validation”.
🔺The formal proposal outlining the above will be published on December, 7th 2022.

Source Ellen Cortvriend



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