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European Parliament Petition by Ine Lejeune (Belgian) on VAT exemption on the transportation of exported goods

Petition No 0276/2022 by Ine Lejeune (Belgian), on behalf of Danish Shipping, on VAT exemption on the transportation of exported goods

No VAT may be claimed for goods exported from the EU and for the transport to export those goods as the VAT Directive provides for an ‘economic’ exemption in that case. It applies across the supply chain. You will find an in depth analysis on the legal framework, the case law of the CJEU and the impact of not applying the exemption in the Petition, 0276-2022.

You can support the Petition by clicking on this: Petitions European Parliament

Guide to support the petition No 0276/2022 – VAT exemption on the transportation of exported goods

See also


VAT news


  • vatcomsult