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When might VAT be recoverable in connection with selling shares in the UK?

The UK’s FTT has decided that VAT incurred in selling shares may be recoverable if the proceeds will be used to support continuing taxable business

The UK First-tier Tribunal’s (FTT) decision in Hotel La Tour (UK FTT 451), which was released in December 2021, is the latest answer to the question of whether there are situations in which VAT on costs incurred in selling shares may be recoverable. Businesses which carry on taxable activities for VAT purposes and have reinvested proceeds from selling shares into their continuing business activities should consider whether they were entitled to recover VAT incurred on the costs involved in selling the shares. If so, it may be possible to submit a claim to HMRC for under-recovered VAT, subject to the usual four-year time limit.

Source KPMG


VAT news
