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Portugal’s New Invoicing and E-Archiving Rules Published but Uncertainty Remains

In February 2019, Portugal published extensive and comprehensive legislation intended to regulate the invoicing processes in a growing digital environment. To this end, the country consolidated and reformed previous pieces of law scattered across the Portuguese legal system. Although some rules were already in force from the publication of this Law-Decree 28/2019, taxpayers expected further instructions as the law delegated supplementary regulations to executive bodies deferring the effectivity of the law.

On 1 October, the Portuguese tax authority issued the Letter 30213 aiming to clarify the rules set out by the Law-Decree. Whilst these clarifications are welcome, the market remains dissatisfied, behaving like a hungry beast wanting more to eat. Clarity is needed around the new mandatory invoice content and the software certification processes, which still leave certain questions unanswered.

Source: SOVOS


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